Scratchinfo Rules

Last modified: 3 September 2022

When you use Scratchinfo you must follow these rules.

Please do not spam the Scratchinfo servers, or attempt to harm the experience of other users of Scratchinfo.

Always follow the Scratch Community Guidelines when using Scratchinfo.

You must ensure that all content posted on the Scratchinfo site follows the Scratch Community Guidelines.

We can change these rules at any time. If you would like to be notified when there is a change to these rules, please contact god286 on Scratch.

If you do not follow these rules, Scratchinfo can remove your access to features that require authentication at any time. You are not allowed to bypass these restrictions.

If you have any questions about these rules, please email scratchinforeportvuln (at) gmail (dot) com to discuss. If you would like to delete your account please email scratchinforeportvuln (at) gmail (dot) com to discuss account deletion.